Chi Siamo

Cosa facciamo

My Story

Chi Siamo

Sidercolor Veneta è una verniciatura industriale a polvere con oltre 40 anni di attività. Con una recente spinta alla ricerca di soluzioni di verniciatura materica per l’architettura, oggi SiderColor è in prima linea nella nobilitazione materica dei materiali poveri quali ferro ed acciaio.

What Do I Do?

What?! Come out. And don’t touch anything! Frightened people. Give me a Dalek any day.

So, if you’re sitting up there with your silly little spaceships and your silly little guns and you’ve any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight

Why don’t you just turn your head? The thing is, Adam, time travel is like visiting Paris.

A Little Story

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-and-effect… but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly… timey-wimey… stuff. I am the Doctor! The original, you might say! Boring. And I hate hotels. Shall we ask for a better quality of door so we can escape? Clara, I’m not your boyfriend. I never said it was your mistake. What?! Come out. And don’t touch anything! Frightened people. Give me a Dalek any day. Nice to meet you, Rose.

Chi Siamo

Chi Siamo

Sidercolor Veneta è una verniciatura industriale a polvere con oltre 40 anni di attività. Con una recente spinta alla ricerca di soluzioni di verniciatura materica per l’architettura, oggi SiderColor è in prima linea nella nobilitazione materica dei materiali poveri quali ferro ed acciaio.

Cosa facciamo

What Do I Do?

What?! Come out. And don’t touch anything! Frightened people. Give me a Dalek any day.

So, if you’re sitting up there with your silly little spaceships and your silly little guns and you’ve any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight

Why don’t you just turn your head? The thing is, Adam, time travel is like visiting Paris.

My Story

A Little Story

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-and-effect… but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly… timey-wimey… stuff. I am the Doctor! The original, you might say! Boring. And I hate hotels. Shall we ask for a better quality of door so we can escape? Clara, I’m not your boyfriend. I never said it was your mistake. What?! Come out. And don’t touch anything! Frightened people. Give me a Dalek any day. Nice to meet you, Rose.